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About Us

Our schools had the lead in implementing the first integrated e-learning system on mobile for school employees, students and parents , and the mobile application achieves great services that achieve constant communication with parents and students through notifications, which are applied in more than 15 services, including absence, delay, permission and notices E- assignments and general notices for school employees, students and parents , the application is available in versions for both (Android – IOS ).

e-learning system

for school employees, students and parents

achieve constant communication

with parents and students through notifications

applied in more than 15 services

including absence, delay, permission and notices E- assignments

general notices

for school employees, students and parents

Map Schools

Passionate about solving problems through creative communications. Offering affordable goods to deliver a design.

Our Vision

Raising innovative generations able to realize themselves, discover their capabilities, develop their skills and invest their talents to reshape the world.

Our Mission

To provide a distinctive applied, interactive learning as per the international standards with a magnificent Academic Performance, by experienced and skilled educators.